A similar question is raised by most religious foreign students who plan to study abroad in China. When they arrive well they be able to continue the practice of their own religion?
Beijing with its vast history stretching over 5,000 years has seen the presence of many diverse religions including Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, and Confucianism. Surprising to most westerns, it also has seen a presence of Christianity.
It is completely possible to practice as well as attend Church if you are a Christian living or partaking in a study abroad in China course. In fact, scattered around Beijing one can find numerous churches which give many a piece of home transplanted into an unfamiliar city. Some of these churches were built over a hundred years ago and represents the wests past foreign influence on China.
What usually surprises many Christian westerners and those who study abroad in China, China has in fact an estimated ten million followers of the religion, and since an amendment in government in 1982 which allows for the free practice of religion, that number has been steadily growing. This numbers have since attended these Christian built churches and have fallen in line with western Christian customs. Therefore these worship centres not only serve as a place of worship, they also represent a fascinating glimpse into the long history of Christianity in China and its accompanying influence.
China’s first introduction to Christianity came in the seventh century when the Nestorians presented themselves to the imperial court at Xi'an and were allowed to establish a monastery there. It was here that the religion was embraced by both the Chinese people and the imperial court. The following years proved to be “rocky” for the religion as emperors such as Kang Xi who in 1721 banned Catholicism as he saw it as a foreign religion and thus wanted to rid of it from the empire. During the Ming dynasty however, many people welcomed the missionaries and began a cultural exchange with Europe. Eventually these Missionaries were granted land in such cities as Beijing where they were allowed to build churches. As you study abroad in China some of churches made available to you have roots back to this early beginning.
As the imperial court of China and western powers vied for power however, these granted lands and churches often turned into scenes of destruction.  The most destructive moment for Christian Churches, especially within Beijing, came about at the turn of the 19 century when the Boxer Rebellion took rise. Most of the churches still seen to today were rebuilt from the destruction caused at the beginning of the 20th century.
With the rise of the Communist Party during the Cultural Revolution came the halt of Christianity and other religions within China. Religion during this period was prohibited as it was seen as a dividing element of society. Different religions would not mingle with other religions. So for the next coming decades all churches were gutted and used as storehouse or left vacant. As you study abroad in China, you will have an opportunity to understand more about why religion within the nation was banned.
With China’s reforms of opening up, religion has again been able to enter the country. Christian churches are again in use and attract millions of people across China. 
So for the Christians who wish to come to China to study abroad in China, they do not need to fear about restrictions of practice. They can freely travel to and fro to their place of worship and continue their life styles of religion while in China.
In recent years the number of foreign students who have decided to study in China has exploded. In major cities of Beijing and Shanghai it is common to see oversea foreign student communities mingling around the universities studying, partying, and in general enjoying their personal educational experience here in China. As this number continues to grow, these oversea students have started to spill over in the less well-known cities of Qingdao, Dalian, Kunming, etc. Why has China in recent years been so successful in attracting oversea students? The answer to this question is actually quite simple:

Rapid Development
China has over the past 30 years experienced an average year on year 10% grow. This grow pattern for this length of time is almost unheard of. The country today is developing at a speed faster than any other in the western world. When students study in China, they are living within an environment that practically changes every day. This newly found confidence and energy within Chinese society gives oversea students a feeling of excitement and opportunity.

Job Opportunities
The old theory implies - where there is growth, there is opportunity. This concept is certainly true in China. Students who have learnt Chinese during their study in China with Global Language (www.glchinese.com) find themselves in a market that is willing to spend and grow. Today there are a lot of Chinese cities which can provide you with job positions that you would not be able to get in the west. Furthermore, as the standard of living increases students whom are able to provide the needs and desires of the Chinese market can gain vast sums of profits.

Affordable Goods
When you study in China you will be able to lead a comfortable life without the need of earning lots of money. Food and utilities are still much cheaper than the west. Rent, although increasing, is still keep at a reasonable level. In terms of goods and clothing, all of this can be found at bargain prices within the city you live int. Luxury good can also now be found as well.
Great Food
With China being as vast territory cultural diverse, every region offers its own distinctive food. From the Sichuan cuisine to the cuisine of minority nationality in the Southwest, there will be an infinite variety. Within the larger cities, restaurants boasting all type of Chinese food from different regions can be easily found. When you study in China don’t be surprised if you put on some pounds.

Wonderful Scenery
China is very rich with natural beauty and historical artifacts. When you study in China there are numerous things for you to visit. The romantic Sanya, mysterious Tibet, historic Beijing, dazzling Shanghai, peaceful Guilin, and many more places are all in your reach.
Meeting People From Around the World
When you study in China be prepared to meet people from around the world. Global Language handles students from North American, Europe, South American, Africa, Australia, as well as other parts of Asia all gather together in China to achieve one purpose – learning Chinese. During your experience you will not only open your eyes to China, but to many other countries around the globe.